Artsy Otters - Art to Remember Skip to main content

Artsy Otters

Project Objective

I can paint movement with lines to imitate water
I can draw and paint/color an Otter image
I can cut and glue an otter


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Students will focus on line and movement to create a painted background that resembles water, like an ocean or river. Students will also draw an image of an otter. While drawing students can choose what object their otter is holding in its paws. Otters can be colored with paint or crayon/marker. Once the otter is complete students will carefully cut out the otter and glue onto the painted background.

Step One. Focus on movement and lines to create a painted background that resembles water, like an ocean or river.

Step Two. Draw an image of an otter, use your teacher’s help if you need it. While drawing, think of what object you want your otter to be holding in its paws. Otters can be colored with paint or crayon/marker.

Step Three. Once the otter is complete students will carefully cut out the otter and glue onto the painted background. Remember to sign your name!

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