Starry Night - Art to Remember Skip to main content

Starry Night

Project Objective

Students will learn about Vincent van Gogh and his art, while using crayons and watercolor paint to effectively to create his swirly sky.

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Have students look at the painting, “The Starry Night.” Notice how the stars and sky are swirly. What are the main colors in his painting?
  1. Students will draw a similar picture of someplace they have visited. It could be a beach, city, mountains, a lake, an amusement park, or even just their back yard.
  2. After students draw their picture, they can trace over the lines with crayons. In the sky, use dots of yellow or white for the stars. Remember to add the moon! Use white and yellow crayons, markers or pencils to create short dash lines around the stars. Fill the spaces in between the stars with dash lines of light blue, dark blue, and purple. Try to make the sky look wavy and swirly. Leave space in between the lines for the paint.
  3. The spaces can be painted with watercolor paint, or simply colored in lightly with crayons if paints are not available. Paint yellow over the circular stars and blue and purple paint in the rest of the sky.
  4. Set paintings in a safe area to dry.

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