Self Portrait - Art to Remember Skip to main content

Self Portrait

Project Objective

Students will work on observation, drawing, and coloring skills.

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Challenge your students to create self portraits that will be cherished by their families.
  1. Trace an oval onto the page. Draw the eyes in the center of the oval. Draw the ‘lemon’ outside shape, the iris, the pupil, and the final details such as the eyelids, lashes, and eyebrows.
  2. Draw the nose. Start with the capital letter ‘U’, then the two baby ‘u’s on either side of the first ‘U’. If students choose, they can draw the top of the capital ‘U’ to the eyebrow/s.
  3. Draw the mouth and all the details inside and around the mouth. Next draw the neck, ears, and hair.
  4. Color the skin, hair, and background with crayons.

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