Recognizing Students in Art Education - Art to Remember Skip to main content


Recognizing Students in Art Education

May 10, 2013
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Art Education Students

A little special attention and praise can go a long way to build self esteem and confidence in a child.  Showcasing a student’s artwork is a great way to call attention to their hard work and creative thought on a project.   In the Mendon Upton Regional School District in Massachusetts, artwork from twenty students from Henry Clough Elementary and Miscoe Hill School has been selected to be included in the Massachusetts Art Education Association Elementary and Middle School Art Exhibit later this month in Boston.  Art teachers Alice Gentili and Alexis Kornblum have featured the art of the students on their blogs.

Finding ways to showcase student art doesn’t have to be a challenge.  For these twenty students, it was being selected for the art show.  Other ways to showcase the work of your students is to have a featured piece of artwork each week or you could try an art fundraiser.  Our art fundraiser creates a custom brochure for each student that professionally features their artwork and displays it on select products.  Families then have the opportunity to purchase keepsakes made with their student’s artwork that they can keep forever.

Art shows, featured pieces, art fundraisers and countless other methods of showcasing the work of students all play a major part in art education and the development of our children.  We’d love to hear what you do to recognize you students.  Post your ideas on our Facebook page!


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