How to Upload Artwork to your Gallery
What is an Art to Remember digital family gallery? Click here to read the full post.
Now that you’ve created an account, it’s time to start adding your children’s artwork into your gallery. There are currently three ways to add artwork: You can upload artwork from your computer or mobile device, enter an online order code (from a school fundraiser), or search for your child’s artwork from school.
Start by going to the gallery page on your desktop. Here you will see the options to upload from your computer, enter an online order code, or search for your child’s art.
Upload Art Piece– To upload art from your computer, simply click on “Upload from My Computer”, choose a file, name the art piece, add a description and the date, and click on “Finish and Upload”
For more information on how to edit your artwork, click here.
Search for My Child’s Art- After clicking on “Search for My Child’s Art”, you will be prompted to enter your child’s school name. Click on the result.
Then, you will enter the First Name and the Last Name of your child and you can scroll through all of the search results.
Add the artwork to your gallery by clicking the “Add to Gallery” button next to the artwork.
Enter an Online Order Code– To search by an online order code, simply copy and paste or enter the order code and select “Find Art Piece.” This will bring up the artwork. Select “Add to My Gallery” and your artwork will then be added to your gallery.
When you are shopping for keepsakes and have more than one artwork in your gallery, simply click on the artwork you would like and you can preview it on the products.