Symbols of Love - Art to Remember Skip to main content

Symbols of Love

Project Objective

Students will create a tie-dye effect using tissue paper and water. Students will use their hands to create a complex composition. Other items might be added to the final work such as additional shapes, and words.

Age Group

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Students will use their hands to create a complex composition. Other items might be added to the final work such as additional shapes, and words.

Step One

Students will brainstorm and sketch possible symbols to represent their special relationships. Students will choose the symbols they would like to incorporate in their altered paper. 

Step Two

The teacher conference with students about their chosen symbols and discuss their concepts for altering their paper. At the end of the conference, the teacher will hand out white paper. 

Step Three

Students will use their chosen materials and symbols to create a piece of altered paper. Students may find more success in later steps if the symbols are smaller and repeated. 

Step Four

Students will trace their hand and arm on a black piece of paper. 

Step Five

Students will fold their paper in half and cut out a heart that fills the whole paper. 

Then students will cut out their hand and arm from the heart and the leftover paper. Ask students to keep all cut pieces from the black paper.

Step Six

Students will fold their hand in half and cut out a heart from the center of the hand. 

Step Seven

Students will arrange black pieces onto their altered paper, considering positive and negative space and contrast. 

Step Eight

When students are satisfied with their compositions, glue the chosen pieces down to their altered paper. 

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